The KFM International Circle of Faith event in Namibia, held on April 20, 2024, was a significant milestone for the Kingdom Financiers of Namibia. Pastor Lolita Ngobeni, Global CEO of KFM International, represented Prophet Major 1 at the event. Before the main event, an induction training session for partners focused on Kingdom Financing. Pastor Lolita led prayers and provided prophecies, leaving attendees feeling blessed and looking forward to the evening dinner meeting.

KFMI Namibia visited the Megameno Home Orphanage in Oshandumbala, Windhoek, which shelters 28 children and provides education. The Kingdom Financiers donated essential items and participated in activities with the children, including providing lunch.

Another visit was made to the Pashukeni Kindergarten, an orphanage and pre-school. During this visit, Pastor Lolita and Pastor Andrew Ngindishange led the matron to Christianity, symbolizing faith and solidarity within the community.

The evening dinner, organized by KFMI Namibia’s team, included a successful fundraising initiative. Partners shared testimonies of divine interventions, miraculous healings, deliverance, and financial breakthroughs. Prophet Shepherd Bushiri remotely blessed the event, adding to the transformative spiritual experience for all attendees.